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Please feel free to use the attached documents which helped me plan a full day of activities for everyone for EDL on 25th September 2014 at St Mary’s, Blackhill. Get in touch if you want more info about the artefacts we used for the quizzes; we got a grant from Europe Direct North East (now International Durham, click here to check out their work) to buy them and prizes, which was really helpful. Thanks to the grant I put a quiz together and bought artefacts which I still have and, if you are local to me, you can be borrow!
Presentation for assembly: EDL assembly 
Quizzes: EDL quiz KS1 Answers to EDL quiz KS1 EDL quiz KS2 Answers to EDL quiz KS2 easy quiz
2014 ALLNE European Day of Languages Competition (for another idea of an activity): EDL_Competition_2014 North East

Click here for more European Day of Languages ideas from other years.

What is YOUR favourite European Day of Languages activity? Please share it in the comments below!

Finally do click here to receive regular updates of my new resources (and more!) straight in your email box!
