French-learning adventures
for your child(ren), you and me!

Are you a primary school practitioner looking for support with the delivery of French? Click below to see how I can help you!

Do you want a child (or children) in your life to learn French from the comfort of their own home? Click below to find out how they can learn with me!

Are you looking for an experienced trainer, speaker or presenter for your event? Click here to find out which areas of language teaching I can deliver on for you!
Do you know exactly what you are looking for?
Welcome to Nattalingo
The Mobile and Virtual French Language Teacher
My name is Nathalie Paris (I promise you, it is my real French name!). After being a full-time French Language Teacher in secondary education for 19 years I decided to become self-employed. Having enjoyed teaching languages for over 10 years in primary feeder schools, I chose to focus on that (I currently teach weekly in 3 schools). Then in order to share my extensive collection of French books with others… the idea came about (it was my very good friend Carol’s!) of putting them in a mobile library ! I ran storytelling sessions on my bus from 2015 to 2020.
Sadly, in February 2020, I had to let go of it… I am still here though! I am currently available for storytelling sessions (in person in my region and remotely everywhere!) and can also support primary schools (click here to find out how) and families (click here to find out how) with their language teaching in many ways.
The name…
The name Nattalingo was my son’s idea! As I am called Nathalie, it is a play on words combining my name and the word lingo. Natha-lingo didn’t read right so we changed the spelling!
Please note, as a French Language Teacher, I am regularly CRB checked.
Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook.
Want to know more?
Whether you’re part of a school, a family or are interested in my speaking services, I’d love to hear from you (beaucoup !).
Find out about me, Nathalie Paris, French Language Teacher AKA Nattalingo!
I aim to inspire and support children, school staff and families as they embark on a long and happy language learning journey together… a journey full of stories!!