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Thank you for visiting my blog page for Schools.

I hope you enjoy reading my latest news.

Lapin is hungry

I came across this fun and beautiful book whilst doing research on puppet shows in French in the UK: it is how I discovered the whole world of "Le petit monde" in Edinburgh! (click here to check out their website). Its creator, Tania, got in touch with me, we had a...

October 2020 newsletter

As we are approaching half-term where I am, in England... Well, I have another cold sore... even though I have not done any kissing, promise!! It must be all the work I have put into my new website: I wanted something easier for you to navigate. Please tell me what...

Le petit livre des VOISINS

I fell in love with this beautiful book in Aix-les Bains in August 2020. It gets us and the children thinking about our neighbours by describing, in a very simple way, some of the different types that you may encounter near your home. It could even lead to discussions...

Comptines / French nursery rhymes

Below is a list of those I have recorded specifically with learners of French in mind. Each link takes you to a video and ideas on how you may exploit it. I filmed one of these weekly for 6 months from January 2020 to July 2020, which was great fun. Enjoy them! Quand...

In this episode I talk about: how important it is to get out of our comfort zone in teaching my top places to go to for CPD (Continuous Professional Development) (6'56) Useful links: The Language Show Live UK Lingua The Primary Languages Network Language World IF...

Cultural calendar events

On this page I am gathering blogs that can help you plan cultural work around the year in your (mostly French) lessons - in chronological order. I have listed special dates that I mark with my pupils. If you are looking for my full 2021-2022 weekly schedule of...