On this page I am gathering blogs that can help you plan cultural work around the year in your (mostly French) lessons – in chronological order. I have listed special dates that I mark with my pupils.
If you are looking for my full 2021-2022 weekly schedule of cultural celebrations, click here.
If you are looking for my presentations on French-speaking countries and their national days, click here.
- Epiphanie and galette des rois: top stories, resources and activities
- Pancake day/Mardi Gras/La chandeleur: stories, resources and activities
- La Saint Valentin: top stories, activities and resources
- World Book Day
- Pâques: top stories
- Mothers’ day
- Spring
- Spring
- Pâques: top stories
- le Premier Mai / la Fête du Travail
- le Huit Mai
- le Jeudi de l’Ascension et “faire le pont”
- le Lundi de Pentecôte
- la Fête des Mères
July (or in 2020, August and September! for Le tour de France)
- Going back to school
- In 2020, Le Tour de France
- The European Day of Languages, ideas from: 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020-21, 2022; related stories
- Stories about winter
- Christmas: top 5 stories, more stories and resources, Christmas special episode of Nattalingo’s natter
- Languages Days
- Stories for French days
- French food vs English food
- Books based in Paris: Où est mon chat ?, Un lion à Paris
- Coupe féminine de FIFA, 2019
- Bilingual stories by Les Puces Ltd
- Fairy tales in French… but not as you know them!
- French picture books with BAME characters in them
Please write in the comments below any that you would like added!
Finally, click here if you wish to receive my new resources (and more) regularly straight in your mail box!
Merci !