As spring is (supposed to be) here, I wanted to share these stories with you to help celebrate it!
New blog in 2019:
“Irène la graine!” par Benoît Charlat chez Sarbacane
This is the story of a seed and what it needs in order to grow. Join Irène and find out what she gets up to as it is a very funny book!
Click here to read the full blog including an introductory video and a link to buy the book!
I would also like to add a book from my Easter blog: from the “Les puces” website here a bilingual book called “Le printemps”. It is a lovely bilingual book! Blog to come soon.
1) “Le secret” par Éric Battut chez Didier Jeunesse
A mouse finds an apple but wants to keep it a secret… it will not stay a secret for long though as an apple tree starts growing!
You can read the full blog here.
You can buy it at Little Linguist here.
2) “Trognon et Pépin” par Bénédicte Guettier chez l’école des loisirs
Follow the lives of 2 apples on a apple tree as they try to survive but die… to come back as beautiful new apple trees! What the apples get up to is very funny, everyone will love this story!
Click here to read the full blog!
3) “Le popo du chiot” par Jeong-Saeng Kwon &n Seung-Gak Jeong chez Le p’tit paquet
Even a dog’s poo, though it may feel useless, can enable a beautiful flower to bloom! A story of hope which will appeal to children from the age of 7; the level of the language is quite high.
You can buy it here.
4) “Jardiner un jeu d’enfant” par Catherine Nuridsany & Agnès Audras chez Flammarion
This is a very child-friendly book about gardening which you could use to inspire some activities or just to look at with the children; actually they probably will want to look at it themselves too!
As I type, this book is really cheap so grab yourself a bargain here!
For simple resources about gardening with children, Mô have the answer.
5) “Dix petites graines” de Ruth Brown chez Gallimard Jeunesse
I own this one now and in March 2022 wrote a blog on it!
Click here to read it and get lots of ideas to exploit this brilliant story.
You can buy it here at Little Linguist.
Finally, please click here to receive my new resources (and more) regularly straight in your mail box!
Merci !