World Book Day 2023 is upon us!
Below are some activities that you could do.
They are based around the book “Tu lis quoi ?” (by Géraldine Collet & Magali Le Huche), which means “What are you reading?” and is about all kinds of different reading that we do.
- Click here for a presentation including photographs of different types of reading so you can practise reading them in French.
- Click here for a challenge to match up the types of reading in French with the photographs. Then a challenge to match up the children’s names with the reading that rhymes.
- Either in French or in English: the children list the types of reading that they do and what they don’t do, like or don’t like, maybe also what they would like to try; the children list their top 3 (or 5) types of reading, then as a whole class do a survey to establish the most popular type(s); in UKS2, these results could be put into a graph/bar chart; the children have to locate in their book boxes as many different types of reading as possible; the children research photos of different types of reading or take photos of each other reading different types of books, papers etc and prepare a poster/presentation.
I hope you have fun on World Book Day 2023 on 2nd March.
Don’t forget to follow me on my Facebook page.
Au revoir et merci !