You are truly spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a story to share with your children the tradition of the galette des rois in France! In no particular order…
ADDED December 2019:
1) P’tit Loup est le roi de la galette
This book will help the children understand the traditions around Epiphany in France with one of their favourite characters, P’tit Loup. Full blog here!
Buy it here at Little Linguist!
2) Roule galette
This book is the more traditional version of a galette story, in a similar format to the gingerbread man story. Read the full blog here!
Buy it here at Little Linguist!
3) J’aime la galette! (my personal favourite in January 2017)
This book is based on a nursery rhyme called “j’aime la galette” but is a really fun take on it and includes classic fairy tales characters which the children will love to see! Read the full blog here!
4) Dans la galette, il y a … (my favourite for January 2019!)
This story is full of silly words and phrases which rhyme with the word galette… smiles guaranteed! Click here to find out how you can exploit this simple but effective story.
Buy it here at Little Linguist!
There are even more ideas and resources here: Autour de la galette
If you are looking for general ideas of activities around the “galette”, please click here to read mine: they are tried and tested!
Please tell me in the comments what your favourite book is to use in early January!
Finally, please click here to receive my new resources (and more) regularly straight in your mail box!
Merci !