The following stories are not just about mothers but they all celebrate them in their own ways.
1) “Maman!”, Mario Ramos – for all ages
The clue is in the title… and nearly the only word of the story!! A classic book to have a giggle but also to practise numbers to 10, animals, rooms in the house and daily routine. A must for the classroom!
Read more about it here in my blog!
2) “Maman était petite avant d’être grande” – for KS2/KS3
Was your mum really as good when she was little as she expects you to be? Maybe not! Find out with this story where the pictures tell a different story from the words! Perfect to teach the negative form in French.
Read the full blog here to find out more about this book and how you may exploit it.
3) “Mon petit cœur”, Antonin Louchard – for younger learners
A simple story with names of animals, also pet names in French, and “je t’aime” at the end; not just good for mothers either! I would even say this book is a must in the French classroom!
Read the full blog here to find out more about this book and how you may exploit it.
4) “Une surprise pour Petite Taupe”, Orianne Lallemand & Claire Frossard – for all ages
Petite Taupe finds a baby on its doorstep… which animal could it possibly belong to?
Click here for the full blog!
Do you know the mole in “Petite taupe ouvre-moi ta porte?” This time she is knocking on doors to find a strange baby’s mum! A repetitive, accessible, surprising and fun story!
5) “Demain, je te mangerai” – for all ages
Is this wolf as big and as bad as it makes itself out to be? Or is it just on the way home to see its mum?!?
Read the full blog here to find out more about this book and how you may exploit it.
What would YOU add to this list? Please let me know in the comments below!
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