None of these stories are exactly about Valentine’s Day but they are all original stories about love! Click here for more ideas and free resources to use around “La Saint Valentin”, including a very useful video which you can use with the children, and its script. And much much more!
1) “Poux” by Stephanie Blake
What happens when you love someone but they are in love with someone else? Well you might be in luck, the love of your life may get headlice! Find out more in my blog here! Simon also stars in “Au loup!” and the story which made him famous, “Caca boudin”.
Buy it here at Little Linguist…
2) “Le loup qui cherchait une amoureuse” by Orianne Lallemand and Eléanor Thuillier
This story is full of lovely phrases about love as Loup gets advice from his friends as to what he should do to get a she-wolf friend. None of it works of course! Until…
It is suitable for use at primary and secondary levels.
3) “Le livre amoureux” by Ramadier & Bourgeau
This book in in love… but with whom? Find out more (but not the answer to the question ha ha!) in my blog here.
4) “Prince Charlie un peu… beaucoup… à la folie” by Angelika Glitz and Annette Swoboda
This is the story of a goat who looks for a partner but can’t see anything because he hasn’t put his glasses on… As many fight to win his affection, who will win his heart? It is an amusing and original story which is suitable for older primary children, young secondary pupils or native speakers.
You can also tell the children about what we do in France with “pâquerettes”: “Il/Elle m’aime… un peu… beaucoup… passionnément… à la folie… pas du tout…” (like “he loves me/he loves me not but with more options!)
5) “Princesse Prout” by Shin Se-Jung
This is the story of a beautiful princess… with terrible farts!!! Will she still get to live with the love of her life? Can huge bumps ever come in handy?!
This story is suitable for and will amuse many children (and adults!) of all ages!
Do you have a favourite love story? Do please tell me what it is in the comments box!
Finally, please click here to receive my new resources (and more) regularly straight in your mail box!
Merci !