You may find these French for Kids stories useful at any time of the year, especially maybe at the end of a school year… but not just for French Days of course!
These books focus on the culture of France… and a French-speaking country too.
Click here to find out about a lovely book, France for kids.
Click here to buy this bonhomme de chemin book, France for kids.
Click here for another lovely book, available in English too, Ils sont forts ces français
Click it to buy this bonhomme de chemin book, Ils sont forts ces français. Click here to buy its English version, The fantastic French.
For a French-speaking country that is not France, I love this book on Haiti: “Haïti (Countries Around the World)” written by Elizabeth Raum, published by Raintree. The country is absolutely fascinating and so different from the UK. I have used this book a lot with Y5 and Y6: click here for my blog on it.
Remember I have also done a series of videos that would help you organise a whole day around French-speaking countries. Click here for the list!
What books do you suggest with a similar cultural focus? Please share them in the comments below! Merci !
Merci !