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Promenons-nous dans les bois

This video is the 17th in a series of videos of nursery rhymes in French. It can be found on my YouTube channel. Please do subscribe to it: I think you will find my videos useful! This one (click here for the video) is about having a walk in the forest… It might...

Stories about wolves

I was delivering training in London a few years ago when someone put their hand up and asked: “What it is with the French and their obsession with wolves in stories?”. She seemed so annoyed! Up to that point, I had never thought anything of it, having...

Il court, il court, le furet

This video is the 16th in a series of videos of nursery rhymes in French. It can be found on my YouTube channel. Please do subscribe to it: I think you will find my videos useful! This one (click here for the video) is about a ferret.. and a great game to play! Click...