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Où est mon chat ?

I was recently asked if I had used this book in the past and how… I had not, even though I owned it, so I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog on it before the summer term when we may want to talk about Paris! Click here to watch a 2-minute video of...

Trognon et Pépin

When I first set up the bus (in 2015), my mum asked friends and relatives in France if they had any books they could donate, and I brought back a car load in the May. This book was one of them. My mum kindly backed it with green film ha ha! Click here to watch over on...

Irène la graine !

I already owned Nénègle sur la montagne by the same author (click here to find out why it is a favourite of mine with little ones) so was attracted by this story in a bookshop in Laon in April 2018; I then had to buy it, and here is why! Click here to watch a short...

The role of L1 in the language classroom

The presentation below was delivered by Penny Johnson and me at the Spanish Day at Durham University on 16th March 2019. It was also the inspiration behind episode 13 of my podcast, Nattalingo’s natter, which you can listen to he The Role of L1 in the language...