As I knew this was a very popular book in primary languages lessons, I posted in the Facebook group “Languages in Primary Schools” asking for contributions… and was overwhelmed by them all! Here are all the ideas I collated from that post! Below is a video of the song “Promenons-nous dans les bois” which was referred to several times.
- “Matching pairs cards (click here for them matching pairs JeMetsUn+JeMetsMon) – various steps – start with sequencing the picture cards in story order, then match up word cards (un/une/des or mon/ma/mes depending on your focus), then play memory game in pairs or teams.” (Odette Hunt)
- “I made figures of the Wolf in just his pants and then tabbed versions of clothes for him to wear. They dressed the wolf then had a go at saying what he was wearing. Extended to adding colours and then writing the sentences with a variety of scaffolds in place.” (Rebekah Boyns) (please note if anyone has a copy of tabbed version of the clothes, we would love to share that too!)
- “I always used to have to read it at least 3 times per class! Played What Time is it Mr Wolf? Sang promenons-nous dans les bois, wrote their own stories with a different animal putting on different clothes and adding colours.” (Angela Sterling)
- “In my story sack I include a card game called loup! You have a series of cards and turn them over one by one saying which item of clothes you are putting on but if you turn a loup you get eaten and the next person plays. Whoever has the most cards at the end is the winner.” (Emma Taylor whom you can contact about her story sacks by clicking on her name!)
- “I do a kind of ‘beetle’ game; you roll dice and each number corresponds to a piece of clothing. If you can say it, you can put it on the wolf. Winner is the first fully dressed wolf.” (Isla Ferguson)
- “I have done a beetle game with a small group and asked them to bring a black sock in to make their own wolf.” (Susie Wilson)
- “I created quite a few files and worksheets after searching some French websites for my Y3/4 classes. Lovely story. Very popular. I have uploaded another file I used with my Reception/Y1 classes. Colouring activity. (Marie-Odile Guillou) Click here: Je m_appelle et je mets coloriage MOG cropped
- Suzi Bewell sent a very cute link to her daughter reading the story.
- Lesley Witty recommends trapdoor and a card sort.
- “We have had the topic of ‘in the wardrobe’ in KS1 this term and I have made a padlet with some of the things we have been doing, including the lovely je m’habille et je te croque.” (Liese Neely)
- I photocopied the pages in the book and cut them in half and the children had to find the bottom half of each image and name it. (Nadine Chadier)
- “We also sing Promenons-nous dans les bois, and chorus the Je mets mon/ma …. etc in our best wolf voices.” (Lou smith)
- “I use it in nurseries and schools. I pair it with the ” Promenons-nous dans les bois” song and I use a puppet. We sing while circling and when I get to the “loup-y-est-tu? Question, I get my puppet and the wolf bites the kids’ fingers ( only pretending) . They love it. (Maud Waret)
- Attached mini-books as kindly shared by Noelia RG: je mhabille image_pour_petits_livres jemhabille petit_livre_sans_illustration_-_PS (1)
Kate Hyland-Collier has also written a blog for this book on the ALL literature wiki which you can find here.
Other useful links: Master album and Edu Caroline.
If it is the Spanish version you are interested in, Lisa Stevens has kindly shared the following link.
You can buy the book in French from Little linguist here.
If you like this story, you may want to check out my other blogs with books by Bénédicte Guettier. Amongst others: Le papa qui avait 10 enfants, Trognon et Pépin, Le petit fantôme qui voulait qu’on le voit, L’âne Trotro fait du vélo and at Easter time L’âne Trotro: Zaza et les œufs de Pâques.
Also click here for a Christmas version of this story: “Je m’habille et… je t’apporte un cadeau !
Thank you so much again to those who have contributed resources for this blog!
Please add any more ideas you may have in the comments box! Merci!