I actually saw the author of this book, Florence Desnouveau, narrate it in Montreuil in December 2018. What an experience it was! She really is a storyteller extraordinaire!
Type of text: picture book
Author or source: Florence Desnouveaux & Cécile Hudrisier, published by Didier Jeunesse
Intended age of students: Key Stages 2/3
Source reference: 9782278064762
This is the story of a mitten lying on the floor, and of animals trying to get into it to keep warm. It is based on an oral Russian storytelling tradition.
Once the children have tried to guess what the story might be about, I will first read it all the way through. At the end, I will check what the children have understood.
After introducing the names of the animals in French, on second reading I will stop when one comes up and the children will all say the name of the correct animal, showing they are following the story.
I will gradually add something that the children need to join in with or say themselves, as a class. This story lends itself to building up to this very easily as many phrases are repeated throughout.
How much fun would it be for the children to try to fit in 4 animals (of their choice if you do not own puppets of the animals in the story) into a mitten or other object?
This is a lovely story which the children will enjoy joining in with.
At the end, they will feel like they are telling the story themselves (and they will be!), which will give them a great sense of achievement.
It is very versatile and lends itself to a lot of drama and written work.
The illustrations are beautiful and clear.
The children will love adapting the story (see simplified adaptable version here la moufle adaptation écrite) with their own object and animals.
If you have been learning about the weather in French, you could stop at each page and ask the children in French what the weather is like or how the animals are feeling: il fait froid/chaud; elle a froid/chaud.
If you have been learning body parts, you could focus on them as the last animal attempts to enter the mitten.
Topics or themes:
animals; weather (il fait froid/chaud; avoir froid/chaud); body parts (trying to fit them into the mitten); adapting writing
work on the phrases “avoir froid / avoir chaud”
How much time required:
1-2 lessons
You will find some amazing resources to go with this story by clicking here then by clicking here.
You can buy this beautiful book on Amazon.co.uk by clicking here.
This really is the perfect story for winter, but you could use it at any time of the year.
What is YOUR favourite winter story? Please tell me in the comments below! Merci !
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Super suggestion and a lovely book. Thank you as always for your help with creative and fun Ks2 French ideas.
I am so glad you like it! Thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely comment. Happy to help if and when I can!