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The Speaking Business Summit 2020

I have been a member of the PSA (Professional Speaking Association – click here for more information about it) for 3 years now but in October 2020 it was my 1st time at their annual conference. It is safe to say it won’t be the last! Below are my main...

Cours Petite École

Voici les activités pour le samedi 17 octobre 2020 ! Il y a six challenges pour cette semaine sans moi, à faire dans l’ordre que tu veux ! Clique ici pour ma vidéo « Peureux, peureuse, peureuses… » ; clique ici pour le lien après l’avoir regardée. Réponds aux...

October 2020 newsletter

As we are approaching half-term where I am, in England… Well, I have another cold sore… even though I have not done any kissing, promise!! It must be all the work I have put into my new website: I wanted something easier for you to navigate. Please tell me...

Le petit livre des VOISINS

I fell in love with this beautiful book in Aix-les Bains in August 2020. It gets us and the children thinking about our neighbours by describing, in a very simple way, some of the different types that you may encounter near your home. It could even lead to discussions...