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Nattalingo as featured in other places

In this article, I am going to try and gather information about where other people and businesses have featured me! I need to dig those out gradually, so please bear with me… Click on each one to see the original feature (when available). Starting from the most...

Puppets in the language classroom

I love puppets!! My favourite are hand/glove puppets, of which I own over 100 (!), but I also love finger puppets (I have about 100 of those too!). I was invited to write this blog and do a presentation (online in the end) by Brian Stobie at International Durham. A...

Quand trois poules vont aux champs

This video is the 12th in a series of videos of nursery rhymes in French. It can be found on my YouTube channel. Please do subscribe to it: I think you will find my videos useful! This one (click here for the video) is about 3 hens going to the fields… Click...

Un petit cochon pendu au plafond

This video is the 11th in a series of videos of nursery rhymes in French. It can be found on my YouTube channel. Please do subscribe to it: I think you will find my videos useful! This one (click here for the video) is the French equivalent of “eeny meeny, miny,...