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January 2020 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! I hope 2020 has started well for you. I will be honest with you: it has been a tough beginning of the year for me, for various reasons, but I am here and ever grateful for what I have and the work that I get to do! New free...

Trotro fait des crêpes

This book was kindly donated to me by Fred at , and it is just perfect for Chandeleur on 2nd February! As it happens… The recipe I have been using for as long as I have been making pancakes is the same as Trotro’s… except I put...

December 2019 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! I want to wish you all the best for the rest of the year 2019. If you want help to get organised for 2020, do keep reading! I have 2 new blogs to help you tell your children about Epiphany in France, on 6th January (see pictures...

November 2019 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! It is sleeting here in County Durham… So I think it is definitely time to get organised for Christmas in our lessons! Episode 9 of my podcast was dedicated to my top Christmas activities: click here for inspiration! If it...

October 2019 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! Well that’s half a term nearly gone for me in north east England… I hope the past month has been a successful one for you! Could you do with some new French and/or Spanish dictionaries for your classroom? Then check...