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J’habite ici

This is another brilliant story by the Belgian author Michel Van Zeveren who has also written “C’est à moi, ça!” (read more about it here). This is book published by l’école des loisirs; you can read their sypnosis in French here. This hunter...

Les oreilles

I discovered the author Gaëtan Dorémus and this brilliant book, “Les oreilles”, at the South Ken Kids Festival at the Institut Français in London in November 2017. I was a volunteer there and he was kind enough, right at the end of a book signing, to make...

Le livre amoureux

This was a birthday present: when I found out it was coming out, as I had loved “Le livre qui dort”, I asked my parents for it! Watch here a short video I have made to introduce the story, then come back to read the blog and all the ideas! Language of...

Poux !

  This is an unlikely love story that the children love – it can be used over and over again! The main character is the cheeky Simon whom you may already know from Caca boudin. Watch this short video introducing the story then come back to this blog! Language of...