Whenever I visited a school with le Bibliobook and they told me their pupils have been doing animals… This is my 1st choice of stories, I enjoy sharing it so much!!
Author or source : Orianne Lallemand & Claire Frossard, published by Auzou
Intended age of students : Key Stage 1/2
Source reference : 978-2733811849
Approaches :
This is one of those stories I never get sick of sharing ; so many children have thoroughly enjoyed it on my bus !
Before you read it, you can get the children to guess what it might be about then practise with them what they will need to join in with and love : “toc toc toc, qui frappe a la porte de la petite taupe ?”. As you read it, all the children will then feel part of the story… and get a big shock when the wolf comes ! No, I haven’t spoilt it all for you…
Rationale :
As well as being cute and fun to read, this is another story with a message about being there for each other. The illustrations and the text are both easily accessible to younger children.
From a cultural point of view, I make the animals kiss each other when they greet each other to remind the children of certain traditions in France, which in itself is great fun !
Outcomes :
If you have the right puppets and a puppet theatre (as I have, lucky me !) you can easily make the children re-enact the story ; if you don’t have the right accessories, you can easily make them ! Even animal faces drawn and attached to sticks will suffice to give the children a memorable experience. This story really lends itself to this activity.
Please see below examples of the puppet your children can made; these were inspired to a class and their teacher by a Bibliobook visit!
Topics or themes : animals ; cooperation
Grammar : pronouns ; showing possession in French (la porte de la petite taupe etc)
How much time required :
30 minutes – 2 lessons
I have been working with this book on a project with a local Y5 class who have been rewriting the story using their own animals and adjectives. This is what we used to support our work: petite taupe animals descriptions with audio petite taupe new animals descriptions .
There are more ideas about how you can exploit this story here but also check out Auzou’s (the publisher’s) suggestions here.
You can buy the book here!
What is YOUR favourite story with forest animals?
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