This video is the 1st in a series of videos of nursery rhymes in French. It can be found on my YouTube channel. Please do subscribe to it: I think you will find my videos useful!
How do they differ from other videos you can watch on YouTube? They were made with YOU in mind: either as a teacher of French to little ones, or as a parent who is keen for their child(ren) to learn French.
I enunciate the words very clearly so it is easy to copy them (no need to slow down the video!). The words to the nursery rhyme are displayed in the video so you and the children can read them, should you want to. It comes with a translation of the words in English, great if you are not a French specialist. It also comes with extra background info and ideas on how you can exploit the video (see document below).
Quand on fait des crepes chez nous words , translation, ideas, extra info
What else would help you make the most out of this video? Please do tell me in the comments below and I will see what I can do.