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I bought this book from Little Linguist (click here to buy it too), called Tous les papas, as I was looking for another book for my blog about Father’s Day stories (click here to view it) . I am finally getting round to writing this blog!

You can watch a short introductory video above on YouTube.

Information for Toys Les Papas

Language of text: French
Type of text: picture book
Author or source: Bisinski, Sanders, published by l’école des loisirs
Intended age of students: Key Stage 1/2
Source reference: 9782211077262
Name: Tous Les Papas

This is a board book that tells the story of different types of dads (animals and others), leading up to a human one, “Papa chéri” at the end.

After priming the children to say “papa” on each page, you can read it all the way through, allowing different a different child to turn each page – they will therefore be involved in 2 ways. On second reading, I get them to try and work out on each page what the accompanying noun mean (except on the last page where it is an adjective that can also be a noun). We make a note of those which are animals, and those that we want to practise, learn and remember. You can choose those depending on what your children already know and what you want them to retain from the story.  


This is a very simple book that can be used around Father’s Day or any time of the year. The book shows that there are many different ways of being a father. It is perfect for little ones, but even older children (up to the age of 10 maybe) will enjoy working out what the words mean (there are a few cognates) and playing with them. It is great fun to share together – any book that includes a picture of a toilet is bound to bring smiles to children’s faces!

Outcomes of Tous Les Papas:

It can be used to reinforce or develop vocabulary; it can also be used as a basis for extending knowledge by challenging older children (form 8 onwards) to write their own version of the book, as a minibook for instance.

Topics or themes:
Father’s Day, animals, cognates, love

masculine and feminine nouns (the only feminine one here is “poule”)

How much time required:
1 lesson 

Are you looking for more suggestions of books about Father’s Day? Click here to see the ones I recommend!

You can buy the book from Little Linguist by clicking here.

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Merci !
