When I bought this book, my then 16-year old son read it and burst out laughing! It appealed to his sense of humour and the pupils’ I have read it too so am confident you will love it too!
Type of text: picture book
Author or source: Mario Ramos
Intended age of students: Key Stage 1/2/3
Source reference: 9782211077835
This is the perfect book to have fun with your pupils at any age! As early as on the 1st reading, as soon as you have introduce the phrases, the children will be able to join in with “Oh! Dommage! Bien essayé quand même. Bravo…!” on every other page. On second reading, they will be able to add the name of the animal in French and on third reading they will want to say the onomatopoeia. So apart from the twist in the last couple of pages… the children will in effect be telling the story!

This is a really fun story to tell and have the children take part in; they will love it! The repeated phrase (“Oh! Dommage! Bien essayé quand même. Bravo…!”) will very naturally become part of your standard classroom phrases and could come in very handy in many circumstances.

The children will remember the different onomatopoeia and names of animals after joining in with: “Oh! Dommage! Bien essayé quand même. Bravo…!” on every other page!
They could rewrite the story with their own animals and their own onomatopoeia.
Topics or themes:
animals; phrases for classroom use
Preposition “sur”; the superlative
How much time required:
1-2 lessons
I have gathered all the animals form the story in finger puppet format (could use hand puppets too of course) and the children love using them to try to get to the top of the mountain!
You can exploit the story further thanks to the resources here at Estelledocs and here at Masteralbum. There are also some great ideas on the école des loisirs website. I have saved the pdf here too: 077835
You can buy the book here at Little Linguist!
If you like this story, check out other books by Mario Ramos here. If you are looking to do a whole project on Mario Ramos stories, you will love this document!
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