How are you doing?
I sincerely hope that you have been able to enjoy the Easter break. I am emailing around the middle of the month, as I normally do… our new lives have been going on for nearly 4 weeks now!
In order to try to help, I am still offering a weekly roundup of possible French activities for children: up to the age of 6, then for 7-11 year olds. Click here to view 3 weeks’ worth of French lessons. Please note these are progressive, so they need to be covered in order. If you would like to receive these straight in your mailbox every week, please reply to this email, and I will make sure I send them to you separately.
I am also still producing a video every day for the daily French challenge. There are 21 videos to date! The challenge can be started at any time, but is best followed in order as the vocabulary and structures build up over time. The idea is to encourage the children to use French in the house, little and often, as part of their daily routine. Click here for an overview of the content of the videos and links to them.
As we cannot share stories with our children, I have not been writing any book blogs; I am still doing my weekly nursery rhymes though: click here to check them out!
Please share these links with parents at school, pupils, children, friends, relatives… anyone who might benefit from using them. Thank you.
Is there any other way I can help you through these strange times? If so, do let me know.
Take great care,
Au revoir!
N.B. Would you like to read about books, ideas, resources and opportunities for the primary languages classroom? Then click here to receive a monthly round up of my blog (and more!) straight in your mail box!