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I am very lucky.
I managed 10 days in France with my parents and got back the day before quarantine was imposed! It did us as a family the world of good. To be honest, I am struggling to get back into it!

Do click below to find out more about a webinar I delivered (twice!) for Linguascope and some ideas for going back to school that I put together over the past couple of years – but are still useful now, I feel.

Click here for a copy of my Linguascope presentation: “You can teach (nearly) everything with a picture book.”
Click on the video to find out about a great book for going back to school, or clear here to check out other fab school stories!
Click here for the 7th (of 19) episode of my podcast, Nattalingo’s natter, all about planning… even more relevant now than ever!

Reminder about opportunities and resources which I wanted to share:

If you are due back at school, like me… Bonne rentrée ! Speak again next month!