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January 2019 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! I hope the year has started well for and I certainly wish you all the best in 2019, in your language teaching journey and in everything! I know you have all been dying to hear the results of my new year card competition, so I...

February 2019 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! I think it is time for a break for all of us… I am going to spend it in Salamanca on a course thanks to Erasmus+ funding and am so excited! Please see below links to resources that were sent to me ahead of my trip. My...

March 2019 newsletter

Welcome to this month’s round up! I hope you are all well. I would love for one of you to win the competition Little Linguist and I are running this month… but you only have till this Monday (18th) to enter, so click here now! Please keep reading! You will...