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Tu lis où ?

I was not looking for another book, I really wasn’t… However when a friend (Vicky Cooke, in the Facebook group “Languages in Primary Schools”) recommended this one for World Book Day I just felt the urge to order it (I don’t normally buy...

Je mangerais bien un enfant

One Saturday, at a meet up of the Francophones de Newcastle I saw a little boy wearing this t-shirt. I knew it was from a book I had ; it took me a couple of minutes to remember which one then I was so excited I went over to him and said : “Je mangerais bien un...

Les chaussettes

Before I met him in Paris, I knew I likes Matthieu Maudet’s illustrations (check out “Les orteils n’ont pas de nom” & “Bonjour docteur” as well as others here); however I didn’t know he wrote stories of his own! Here is...

Non mais ça va pas ?

I already had a few stories by Grégoire Solotareff when I went to the book festival in Paris in December and this is why I wanted to meet him; however they were a little difficult for younger people, which is why I bought this book: it is just perfect!! Please...