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Berthe fait une pizza

I thought that this week I would recommend the series of books with Berthe in them in case some of you weren’t aware of them or hadn’t used them for a while… I find them very useful! Language of text : French Author or source : Gwen Brookes Intended...

El dragón frío

This is my 1st ever blog on a Spanish story! If you know me, you will be aware that I am French and did my degree in English and German; I only started learning Spanish in February 2014 so am not a specialist; however I taught Spanish at KS2 for 5 years and I love...

Caca boudin

The truth is I forgot to pick up a book from my bus on Saturday (it unfortunately doesn’t live with me!) so I am writing a blog today on a story I know off by heart!! It is about a rabbit, not a wolf for a change; oops, sorry, there is actually briefly a wolf in...